Tuesday, November 14, 2023 - 11:00am Categories:
Previous Administration

SPIRITWOOD, N.D. – Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller today joined officials from ADM and Marathon Petroleum Corp. (MPC) at the Spiritwood Energy Park to celebrate the completion of the Green Bison Soy Processing plant, North Dakota’s first dedicated soybean processing plant, highlighting the project’s benefits to the state’s agriculture and energy sectors.  

Miller helped cut the ribbon on the $350 million Green Bison facility, a joint venture of ADM and MPC that will process up to 150,000 bushels of soybeans per day and supply vegetable oil as a feedstock for MPC’s renewable diesel refinery in Dickinson. Green Bison will produce up to 600 million pounds of refined soybean oil per year while also generating nearly 1.3 million tons of soybean meal to support animal agriculture production in the region. The facility began accepting soybeans on Sept. 18.

“This is truly the beginning of a new era for soybean growers in North Dakota,” Miller said. “No longer will they need to ship nearly their entire soybean crop out of state. With this partnership between ADM and Marathon Petroleum, those soybeans will be purchased and processed right here at home, in North Dakota. Processed into valuable soybean meal and into oil for renewable diesel, adding value to both our agriculture and energy industries. We are deeply grateful for ADM and Marathon’s investment in our economy. We are equally grateful for our farmers, who are the backbone of North Dakota.”

Green Bison is located in the Spiritwood Energy Park, an industrial park with over 500 acres about 10 miles east of Jamestown. Gov. Doug Burgum and his administration worked with ADM and MPC, as well as other state agencies, North Dakota’s congressional delegation and local economic development leaders in Jamestown and Stutsman County, to secure ADM as a tenant in the park, converting the former Cargill Malt facility into a soybean crushing plant.